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MacFinder - usefull 68k links...
  · · Berlin·

In Memory of Steve Jobs and Jef Raskin

Steve Wozniak and Oliver at Computer Game Museum Berlin
Steve "WOZ" Wozniak and Oliver from
at Computer Gaming Museum Berlin | March 2013´s MacLocator

Macintosh Computer

Macintosh Periphery

Apple II Computer

  Welcome Lemming !

As more time goes by since the release of older computers, it gets harder to find hardware compatible with your vintage device. Older parts are much harder to track down. Here you will find those rare and vintage Computer items you have been looking for.

At you find Apple II // ][ 2, Lisa, Macintosh: Macintosh SE, Mac SE/30, Macintosh Plus, 128k, 512k, Mac Classic Colour, FDHD, LC, LCII, LCIII, Commodore-Amiga and various 8 and 16 Bit Computer like ATARI. Have fun perusing the offered items, you will surely find something for your museum.

There is also a myoldmac video channel for vintage Apple Ii and Macintosh footage at youtube - see the latest Lemmings Game Play Demo. Please subscribe for the channel. If you would like to advertise to a wonderful audience of visitors then you might be interested in placing your ads on Please contact us.

Mac games have always been popular with their users, although sometimes overshadowed by their Atari equivalents. As can be seen in our Ebay listings on this site, the market for old Mac hardware and software is still alive and booming.

Deutsch: Hier finden Sie die historischen Computer nach denen Sie lange gesucht haben. Bei finden Sie zum Beispiel Apple und Macintosh, Atari, Amiga, Tandy, Texas Instruments, Z80, Z81, Sinclair, Commodore C-64, C-128, Robotron und weitere.

As a serious collector, I follow the Classic Computer Collector's Code of Conduct (CCCCC).

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